official sites
3D in traditional printing
Hologravure technology
optic printing
several virtual planes
in space like this
B = behind ; F = in front of
the media (medium) :
the usual 2D (flat) picture
You can mix 2D, specific 3D dimension using Hologravure effects and Hologravure capabilities (patterns, iridescence, various planes in space, plain background, transparency, virtual semi-transparency, dynamic effects of Hologravure technology, optical modeling, changing colors, full optic design, security codes, etc. and more and more in the future).

hologravure eye
hologravure eye
optic printing
you can compare the usual pictures above with the 3D backgrounds using Hologravure technology (optic printing)
hologravure eye
optic printing
you can compare the usual pictures above with the 3D backgrounds using Hologravure technology (optic printing)
(bottom) water using hologravure technology
compare with the "water falls" and the trees in the middle of the picture using traditional printing
you can compare the usual pictures above with the 3D backgrounds using Hologravure technology (optic printing)
you can compare the usual pictures above with the 3D backgrounds using Hologravure technology (optic printing)
you can compare the usual pictures above with the 3D backgrounds using Hologravure technology (optic printing)
usual picture